Rubik's Cube Solve Top 10 Tricks

Step 1 / 10
The white cross (step 1/2)
Place the white edges around the yellow center to form a cross.

Step 2 / 10
The white cross (step 2/2)
For each white piece, rotate the top side (if needed) to align the side color with the corresponding center.
Then turn the face 180°.
At the end of the 4 rotations, you will get a white cross on the underside with the edges well placed.

Step 3 / 10
The white corners
Without breaking the white cross neither the corresponding edges colors with the centers, place each corner in its place.
You can do it without an algorithm!

Step 4 / 10
2nd layer (case 1/2)
Turn the cube over to place the white side underneath.
Look for an edge piece on the top side without the yellow color (edge blue and red in the example above).
Align the color with the corresponding center.
If you place the red side in front of you, you can see that this blue and red edge should be on the left side.
The formula is :
Ui Li U L U F Ui Fi.
The letters designate the sides Left, Right, Up, Down, Front, Back. They turn clockwise, 'i' is counter-clockwise.

Step 5 / 10
2nd layer (case 2/2)
In the case of an edge to be placed on the right, the formula is :
U R Ui Ri Ui Fi U F
Repeat the operation to complete the second layer.
If there is no more edge without yellow color on the upper side, and a lateral edge is badly placed, it is necessary to exchange them with one of the 2 algorithms.

Step 6 / 10
The yellow cross (case 1/2)
On the upper side, place the yellow ones in an inverted L-shape as above and apply the following formula :
F U R Ui Ri Fi
In case you only have the central yellow, apply this formula as well. If you have a yellow bar, see the next step.

Step 7 / 10
The yellow cross (case 2/2)
In the case of a yellow line, place it as above and apply the formula :
F R U Ri Ui Fi

Step 8 / 10
The yellow cross and edges
This involves matching the yellow edges with the corresponding side colors.
In this example, by placing the red face in front of you, we will reverse the yellow-blue and yellow-red edges.
The formula is :
R U Ri U R U U Ri U
Repeat the operation if necessary.

Step 9 / 10
The top corners
Now let's place the corners of the upper side.
For example, at the intersection of the red, yellow and green faces must be the corner piece bearing these colors. This is the case here. Its orientation doesn't matter actually.
Place a corner well placed in front of you, on the top right (here yellow-red-green).
The following formula moves the other 3 corners in a circular fashion :
Li U R Ui L U Ri Ui
Repeat the operation until all 4 corners are well placed (regardless of their orientation).

Step 10 / 10
Orient corners
In this example, put the red face in front of you.
Concentrate on the upper right corner. Repeat the following formula until it is correctly oriented (yellow on top) :
Ri Di R D (x2)
Then turn the top face (movement 9) to work on the next corner and repeat the operation in a loop.

At the end the cube is finished ! Congratulations !

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